FREE Worksheet: Where To Focus First Jan 9 2018

FREE Worksheet: Where To Focus First Jan 9 2018

Follow Amy
Amy is an entrepreneur, brand strategist, global marketing and business consultant and mother to a toddler (her favorite role of all). She has traveled to over 65 countries for both work and play, usually a combo. Passionate about helping entrepreneurs get started with affordable resources and DIY skills, she has worked for 13 years helping small business owners take the first steps to launch.
Amy Selbach
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Cheers and Happy New Year!! Before I get to the heart of this email, I wanted to raise a point about this time of year and how MOST of us feel. With the excitement of a new year comes also the pressure we put on ourselves to succeed like never before, change old...
10 Things I Wish I Had Known BEFORE I Started My Business [Part 3]

10 Things I Wish I Had Known BEFORE I Started My Business [Part 3]

Follow Amy
Amy is an entrepreneur, brand strategist, global marketing and business consultant and mother to a toddler (her favorite role of all). She has traveled to over 65 countries for both work and play, usually a combo. Passionate about helping entrepreneurs get started with affordable resources and DIY skills, she has worked for 13 years helping small business owners take the first steps to launch.
Amy Selbach
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Before we move on to part 3 of “What I Wish I had known BEFORE starting my first business,” I wanted to take a sec to tell you about my week.  Last week, I went to Colorado to volunteer for a Disabled Sports USA ski event. There were survivors from the...
10 Things I Wish I Had Known Before I Started My Business [Part 2]

10 Things I Wish I Had Known Before I Started My Business [Part 2]

Follow Amy
Amy is an entrepreneur, brand strategist, global marketing and business consultant and mother to a toddler (her favorite role of all). She has traveled to over 65 countries for both work and play, usually a combo. Passionate about helping entrepreneurs get started with affordable resources and DIY skills, she has worked for 13 years helping small business owners take the first steps to launch.
Amy Selbach
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I am excited to give you part two and I want to thank you for all the GREAT questions that have been coming in! Many of you have had questions about how to find your ideal customer, how to figure out the best opt-in, how to actually START selling, how to find your...
What Are The 6 Basic Needs We All Have?…(And Why They Matter)

What Are The 6 Basic Needs We All Have?…(And Why They Matter)

Follow Amy
Amy is an entrepreneur, brand strategist, global marketing and business consultant and mother to a toddler (her favorite role of all). She has traveled to over 65 countries for both work and play, usually a combo. Passionate about helping entrepreneurs get started with affordable resources and DIY skills, she has worked for 13 years helping small business owners take the first steps to launch.
Amy Selbach
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I wanted to share an insight that I think can help both personally and professionally. We are ALL born with innate NEEDS… We are usually great at knowing what kind of support our kids need but what about our clients? (Mine needs abundant quality...
This weekend changed my life.

This weekend changed my life.

Follow Amy
Amy is an entrepreneur, brand strategist, global marketing and business consultant and mother to a toddler (her favorite role of all). She has traveled to over 65 countries for both work and play, usually a combo. Passionate about helping entrepreneurs get started with affordable resources and DIY skills, she has worked for 13 years helping small business owners take the first steps to launch.
Amy Selbach
Follow Amy
I wanted to share a S.T.O.R.Y today of a weekend that changed my life. It was my first time to Zanzibar. It was also a first date with the man who became my husband. I remember distinctly falling in love with everything all at once. With him, with Africa, with the...

20 Seconds of Insane Courage with Jennifer Borba von Stauffenberg

Follow Amy
Amy is an entrepreneur, brand strategist, global marketing and business consultant and mother to a toddler (her favorite role of all). She has traveled to over 65 countries for both work and play, usually a combo. Passionate about helping entrepreneurs get started with affordable resources and DIY skills, she has worked for 13 years helping small business owners take the first steps to launch.
Amy Selbach
Follow Amy
  “20 Seconds of Insane Courage” 20 Seconds of insane courage is an exploration of moments that have the power to transform us and change the trajectory of our lives forever. In these moments we often feel compelled to act guided by inspiration, intuition...