A lot of you know me for my Taut Body studio and workout programs, but what you don’t know is a bigger part of my story. I was not a life-long full-time fitness pro. In fact, it was a passion and hobby until I opened the studio exactly 4 years ago.

My prior life was in international marketing; specifically, business development, and brand and communications strategies for companies, agencies, non-profits, and countries. I had worked in Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and Africa. I had an international rolodex that people would kill for and I was making great money. It looked pretty glamorous on from the outside…

But I wasn’t feeling ALIVE.

The nature of the work I was doing felt institutional and temporary. And I wanted to be there for more. I wanted to dig deeper, make a difference, and be able to see the progress and the impact I was making. I ached for more personal connection.

I was anxious, seeking, and asking myself “WHAT IS IT ALL FOR?”

In short, I wondered if anything I was doing mattered.

It sure felt like the answer was NO and that made me really sad. Like… really, really sad.

As a little girl, I had wanted to be 3 things at various stages of my life:

First… I wanted to be a mommy. It was my very first dream. I adored kids, and babies and was extremely disappointed when my own mommy told me she would NOT be having another baby.

Second… I wanted to be a country music singer and dancer (hip hop is my jam now but back then I used to love country music it all it’s truck-stop, heart-break, bottom of the bottle, line-dancing glory).

And Third… a college professor. Yep, the Dead Poets Society captured my heart and I imagined surrounding myself with some of the smartest people in the world and learning, evolving, brainstorming and connecting to make the world more.

With only an idea in the back of my mind, I began to test if it would actually work. In the process of testing… I was DOING and it felt great (more on that later). Suddenly, I had a business thanks to many of you.

To be TOTALLY honest, opening a fitness studio and training program was my PLAN B. It was not a lifelong dream, but it used skills I already knew I had and was passionate about. However, I wasn’t convinced I would love it.

BUT here is the fascinating part… I looked back at my childhood dreams above as part of a mindset exercise I was doing, and when I finished making that list I was in awe.

The long forgotten whispers of my childhood dreams had reincarnated in a completely unexpected form, yet all those yearnings were being fulfilled.

My PLAN B was in fact my PLAN A.

It allowed me to become everything I always dreamed of being: A partner on a journey for my clients, a choreographer of fitness and cool music, and a teacher. But this business also gave me the space and breathing room to become a mommy, and many of you witnessed me in that journey.

What I have loved about owning a fitness studio is being able to connect on a journey and see your evolution. I have seen the progress in your inner and outer strength, confidence, energy, pride, habits and HEALTH (weight loss goes without saying).

I have beamed with pride like a proud mama at your progress!

So I wanted to let you know all the way from San Diego that I am thinking of you, missing you and believing in you.

Where are you along your journey (of any kind)?

Do you feel like you are building something that fits with your deepest intrinsic desires?

Leave a comment below or write an email as I would love to hear your journey and where you are right now, especially if I haven’t heard from you in a while!

I would like to invite you for… A 15 Minute Brand Clarity Call with me. Right now, I am booking two weeks out so be sure to get on a session before the schedules are gone!

Amy Selbach
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